HR Giger, de Album de arta

HR Giger

de Album de arta

HR Giger


HR Giger

Domeniu: Arta

Editura: Taschen

Autor: Album de arta

Starea cărții: Nouă

Nr. pagini: 96

Anul apariţiei: 2001

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For the last three decades, H.R. Giger has reigned as one of the leading exponents of fantastic art. After he studied interior and industrial design for eight years at the School of Commercial Art in Zurich, Switzerland (1962-1970), he was soon gaining attention as an independent artist, with endeavors ranging from surrealistic dream landscapes created with a spray gun and stencils, to album cover designs for famous pop stars, and sculpture. In addition, Giger’s multi-faceted career includes designing two bars, located in Tokyo and Chur, as well as work on various film projects—his creation of the set design and title figure for Ridley Scott’s film Alien won him not only international fame but also an award for Best Achievement for Visual Effects (1980).

„The more famous I get, the more I am tolerated, albeit with some head-shaking.” — H.R. Giger

The book features:

  • a detailed chronological summary of the life and oeuvre of H.R. Giger, covering his artistic, cultural and historical importance
  • a concise biography
  • approximately 100 full-colour illustrations with explanatory captions
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Cartea “HR Giger” de Album de arta a apărut la editura Taschen în seria de Arta, se află în stare nouă, conține 96 pagini și poate fi comandată la cerere.
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