The Golden Age of Myth and Legend
de Thomas Bulfinch |
One of the most famous books on mythology in the English language - a uniquely readable introduction to the world of myth & legend. Although first published more than a century ago, it remains a classic, popular portrayal of the stories surrounding the gods & goddesses of ancient Greece & Rome; it also includes legends of the Norsemen, Hindus, Buddhists and Druids. Includes maps & a genealogic table of the gods of Greece & Rome.
Thomas Bulfinch - The Golden Age of Myth and Legend.
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Cartea “The Golden Age of Myth and Legend” de Thomas Bulfinch a apărut la editura Publicaţie independentă în seria de Carti in limba engleza, se află în stare foarte bună, conține 496 pagini și poate fi comandată la cerere.